Volume 9, Issue 4 (10.1.2022)
Full Issue
Patient-Centric Personalized Approach in Sleep Medicine – From Theory to Practice
Olivier M. Vanderveken, MD, PhD
Original Articles
Daniela Rita Ippolito, DDS, Serena Incerti Parenti, DDS, PhD, Laura Laffranchi, DDS, PhD, Corrado Paganelli, DMD, MD, Giulio Alessandri-Bonetti, MD, DDS
Maria Therese Galang-Boquiren, DMD, MS, MBA; Rahma Mungia, BDS, MSc, DDPHRCS; Veerasathpurush Allareddy, BDS, MBA, MHA, PhD, MMSc; Yasmarie Santana-Rivera, BS; Gregg H. Gilbert, DDS, MBA
Special Articles
Standards for Practice Committee of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine: Mitchell Levine, DMD (Chair); Michelle K. Cantwell, DMD; Kevin Postol, DDS; David B. Schwartz, DDS
Emerging Models: Consider Various Billing Models to Help Patients
Mitchell Levine, DMD; Kevin Postol, DDS; David Schwartz, DDS; Michelle Cantwell, DMD; Becky Fox, DMD; Nelly Huynh, PhD; Paul Jacobs, DDS; Omar Mahmassani, DDS; Rosemarie Rohatgi, DMD; Kevin Wallace, DMD
Perspectives on Connecting Researchers and Clinicians
Featuring responses from: Marijke Dieltjens, PhD, Susana Falardo Ramos, DDS, MSc, PhD, IC-ABDSM, EL-EADSM, Allen Firestone DDS, MS
Letter to the Editor
The View of a Dental Sleep Medicine Clinician and Researcher of the Future of the Field
Fernanda Almeida, DDS, PhD