Volume 9, Issue 4 (10.1.2022)


Full Issue


Patient-Centric Personalized Approach in Sleep Medicine – From Theory to Practice

Olivier M. Vanderveken, MD, PhD

Original Articles

Is There a Relationship Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea Severity and Dental Arch Form in Adult Patients? An Observational Retrospective Study

Daniela Rita Ippolito, DDS, Serena Incerti Parenti, DDS, PhD, Laura Laffranchi, DDS, PhD, Corrado Paganelli, DMD, MD, Giulio Alessandri-Bonetti, MD, DDS

Dental Sleep Medicine Among Dental Practitioners: Preliminary Findings From the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network

Maria Therese Galang-Boquiren, DMD, MS, MBA; Rahma Mungia, BDS, MSc, DDPHRCS; Veerasathpurush Allareddy, BDS, MBA, MHA, PhD, MMSc; Yasmarie Santana-Rivera, BS; Gregg H. Gilbert, DDS, MBA

Special Articles

Dental Sleep Medicine Standards for Screening, Treatment, and Management of Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders in Adults Using Oral Appliance Therapy: An Update

Standards for Practice Committee of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine: Mitchell Levine, DMD (Chair); Michelle K. Cantwell, DMD; Kevin Postol, DDS; David B. Schwartz, DDS

Emerging Models: Consider Various Billing Models to Help Patients

Mitchell Levine, DMD; Kevin Postol, DDS; David Schwartz, DDS; Michelle Cantwell, DMD; Becky Fox, DMD; Nelly Huynh, PhD; Paul Jacobs, DDS; Omar Mahmassani, DDS; Rosemarie Rohatgi, DMD; Kevin Wallace, DMD


Perspectives on Connecting Researchers and Clinicians  

Featuring responses from: Marijke Dieltjens, PhD, Susana Falardo Ramos, DDS, MSc, PhD, IC-ABDSM, EL-EADSM, Allen Firestone DDS, MS

Letter to the Editor 

The View of a Dental Sleep Medicine Clinician and Researcher of the Future of the Field

Fernanda Almeida, DDS, PhD