Editorial 1, Issue 2.4
A Modest Celebration of Collaboration
Leslie C. Dort, DDS, Diplomate, ABDSM, Editor-in-Chief Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
This issue of the Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine (JDSM) is cause for modest celebration. The October 2015 issue marks the final issue of the first full year of publication. Any new journal is faced with many challenges. A new journal has no presence in the scientific world. It takes time to be listed in the major databases such as PubMed and therefore potential contributors may not be aware of our journal if they are not AADSM members. Academic authors often need to publish their research in the most well established journals possible in order to maintain and advance their academic status. A fledgling journal is rarely the first choice. Funding sources for research are diminishing as are the funds themselves. This is particularly true in dental sleep medicine where funds are almost non-existent. The number of manuscripts produced in this field is therefore limited compared to many other clinical areas of sleep medicine. To successfully meet these challenges requires the collaboration of many individuals with a variety of roles. The managing editorial staff is a critical component of journal success. They manage to make each issue the best it can be: often stretching deadlines and working to the last moment before publication.
The journal has published some original research, a number of relevant substantial review articles, case studies, editorials and special articles. This issue has the most original articles to date as well as other manuscripts. This growth despite the challenges that exist is encouraging for the future of dental sleep medicine. Thank you to the senior researchers who have contributed reviews and in particular to the researchers who have contributed primary research manuscripts. These articles and reviews give readers information on the state of the art of dental sleep medicine. They also increase the continuing education opportunities for those readers who take advance of the continuing education credits available (see http://www.jdsm.org/CE.aspx). Bravo also to the many clinicians who have ventured out of their comfort zones to write a case report. Often these case reports are a clinician’s first encounter with the world of academic publishing and the many tedious steps involved. Case studies are our direct contact with clinical practice.
It is notable that many of the manuscripts published in the journal are collaborative in nature.1–4 These reflect the need for collaboration among health care providers to give the most benefit to those with sleep disorders. The JDSM will continue to publish material to inform all those who are collaborating in the research and treatment of sleep disordered breathing. This is the future of dental sleep medicine.
Dort LC. A modest celebration of collaboration. Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine 2015;2(4):145.
1. Ramar K, Dort LC, Katz SG, et al. Clinical practice guideline for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea and snoring with oral appliance therapy: an update for 2015. Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine 2015;2:71–125.
2. Van Haesendonck G, Dieltjens M, Kastoer C, et al. Cardiovascular benefits of oral appliance therapy in obstructive sleep apnea: a systematic review. Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine 2015;2:9–14.
3. Vanderveken OM. Combination therapy for obstructive sleep apnea in order to achieve complete disease alleviation: from taboo to new standard of care. Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine 2015;2:7–8.
4. Bennett K. Oral appliance therapy and atrial fibrillation. Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine 2014;1:121–2.
Submitted for publication September, 2015
Accepted for publication September, 2015
Address correspondence to: Leslie C. Dort, DDS, 1016-68th Ave SW, Suite 150, Calgary, AB T2V 4J2, Canada; Tel: (403) 202-4905; Fax: (403)202-0266; Email: lcdort@gmail.com
Dr. Dort is Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine.