Ins and Outs of HSAT, Wearables, and Pulse Ox

The Ins and Outs of HSAT, Wearables, and Pulse Ox is a one-day course that will take place the day prior to the 2025 AADSM Annual Meeting general session. This course will explore objective patient monitoring including HSATs, Pulse Ox and other wearables – the science behind the technology, clinical integration strategies and how to communicate the results to patients and physicians to enhance treatment with OAT.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to:

  1. Consider rapidly changing technology and AI algorithms in collecting objective metrics during sleep testing;
  2. Incorporate objective testing into clinical practice to support efficient office algorithms for OAT;
  3. Extract and apply clinically meaningful information from sleep tests to support more effective patient outcomes; and
  4. More confidently communicate with sleep physicians and other medical collaborators.

Target Audience

Dentists treating patients with sleep-related breathing disorders.

Date and Times 

Thursday, May 15 
Registration opens at 7:00am

Registration Rates

AADSM Member*$200

*Member categories include: Regular, Academic, Emeritus, Federal Service, Student, and Team Members

Registration for the 2025 AADSM Annual Meeting is required in order to register for the Ins and Outs of HSAT, Wearbles, and Pulse Ox

Register Online

Course Chairs

Arthur Feigenbaum, DMD

Damian Blum, DMD

Rubina Nguyen, DDS

Members save on registration for the 2025 AADSM Annual Meeting and the Ins and Outs of HSAT, Wearables, and Pulse Ox add-on course! 

Topics and Speakers

Understandng Sleep Testing
Timothy Morgenthaler, MD

Extracting Clinically Relevant Data From a Sleep Test 
David Federici, DMD

Benefits and Limitations of Wearables and Pulse Ox
Ambrose Chiang, MD

Industry Roundtables

Screening and Calibrating with Objective Tools
Katherine Phillips, DDS

Effectively Communicating Sleep Study Results with Patients and Physicians 
Damian Blum, DMD

Integrating Objective Tools into your Practice: A Panel Discussion
David Federici, DMD
Eric Runyon, DDS
Katherine Phillips, DDS

Photo credit: LVCVA Archive

For questions, contact Megan Scanlan at or 630-686-9874.