30 In 30 Membership Kit
We are on a mission to increase our ranks by 30 new members in the next 30 days.You can help by encouraging colleagues to join you as a proud member of the AADSM!
Ask your colleagues to list you as a referral when completing the new member application, and you will be acknowledged in the April issue of NewsFlash.
Below are resources you can use to encourage others to join AADSM membership.
Sample Email Text
Adapt the text below to send an email message to any dentist who would benefit from AADSM membership.
I hope this email finds you well. Oral appliance therapy is one of the hottest topics in dentistry. I'm providing it to my patients, and the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM) is helping me do so at the highest level. Their resources cover everything from patient screening to device selection to billing medical insurance. Members get access to specialized toolkits on their website and discounts on products, courses, and their annual meeting. I've really benefited from my membership with the AADSM, and I think you would too. If you're interested in joining, you can do so at aadsm.org/join (and list my name as a reference on your application).
Thanks in advance!